Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht
Utrecht University Library |
reinforced concrete, glass
Continent |
Nation |
Region |
Town |
Neighborhoods |
Address |
ARCHITECTURE | Buildings for cultural activities
Libraries and media libraries
| |
Project |
1997 - 2001
Realisation |
2001 - 2004 |
Domizia Mandolesi, "Biblioteca nel Campus universitario di Utrecht, Olanda/University Library, Utrecht, The Netherlands", L'industria delle costruzioni 387, gennaio-febbraio/january-february 2006 [Biblioteche e mediateche 2], pp. 30-39 |
"Universitätsbibliothek in Utrecht/University Library in Utrecht", Detail 3/2005, märz/march 2005 [Bibliotheken - Libraries - Bibliothèques], pp. 206-228
Frank Kaltenbach, "»Schwraz - und viel Licht...«. Wiel Arets über das Konzept der Universitätsbibliothek Utrecht/"Black - and a lot of light". Wiel Arets on the concept for the university library in Utrecht", Detail 3/2005, märz/march 2005 [Bibliotheken - Libraries - Bibliothèques], pp. 208-211 (206-228) (interview)
Bas Savenije, "Die Sicht des Bauherrn/The Client's View", Detail 3/2005, märz/march 2005 [Bibliotheken - Libraries - Bibliothèques], pp. 212-213 (206-228)
Stephan Toonen, "Tragwerk Beton/Load-Bearing Concrete Structure", Detail 3/2005, märz/march 2005 [Bibliotheken - Libraries - Bibliothèques], pp. 214-217 (206-228) Hans Cauberg, "Bauphysik und Gebäudetechnik/Bulding Physics and Mechanical Services", Detail 3/2005, märz/march 2005 [Bibliotheken - Libraries - Bibliothèques], pp. 218-219 (206-228)
Nutzerbefragung/User Survey, "»Bücher hab' ich hier noch nie ausgeliehen...«/"I've never borrowed books here..."", Detail 3/2005, märz/march 2005 [Bibliotheken - Libraries - Bibliothèques], pp. 220-221 (206-228)
Yushi Uehara, "Trotzige Architektur - der Kritiker/Defiant Architecture - the Critic", Detail 3/2005, märz/march 2005 [Bibliotheken - Libraries - Bibliothèques], p. 222 (206-228)
"Objectbezogene Produktrecherche", Detail 3/2005, märz/march 2005 [Bibliotheken - Libraries - Bibliothèques], pp. 226-228 (206-228) |
Rob Dettingmeijer, Arjen Oosterman, "Bibliotheque centrale (UBU), Universite d'Utrecht, Pays-Bas/Central Library for the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands", L'architecture d'aujourd'hui 357, mars-avril/march-april 2005, pp. 26-29 |
Anne Hoogewoning, Roemer van Toorn, Piet Vollard, Arthur Wortmann (ed.), Architectuur in Nederland/Architecture in the Netherlands. Jaarboek/Yearbook 2004>05, NAi Uitgevers/Publishers, Rotterdam 2005, pp. 160-165, cover |
"Wiel Arets Architects & Associates. UBU, biblioteca universitaria. Utrecht, Paesi Bassi 2004", Casabella 728-729, dicembre 2004-gennaio 2005/december 2004-january 2005 [Il farsi delle cose], pp. 90-105
Marc Dubois, "Università di Utrecht: la nuova biblioteca di Wiel Arets", Casabella 728-729, dicembre 2004-gennaio 2005/december 2004-january 2005 [Il farsi delle cose], pp. 92-93 (90-105) |
Massimo Faiferri (ed.), Wiel Arets. Opere e progetti, Mondadori Electa, Milano 2003, pp. 186-193 |
"Wiel Arets Architects & Associates. Biblioteca universitaria, Utrecht" in Next. 8. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura. 2002, Marsilio, Venezia 2002, "Formazione" pp. 192-195 |
Surface |
Dimensions |
Floors |
Capacity |
ABT Adviseurs in Bouwtechniek bv, Velp |
Project  |
Wiel Arets Architect & Associates |
Design team |
Wiel Arets, Harold Aspers, Dominic Papa, René Thijssen, Frederick Vaes, Henrik Vuust, Jan Vanweert |
Collaborators |
Pauline Bremmer, Jacques van Eyck, Harold Hermans, Guido Neijnens, Michael Pedersen, Vincent Piroux, Michiel Vrehen, Richard Welten |
Plastic models, rendering, visualization |
Pedro Anão, Nick Ceulemans, Mai Henriksen, Carsten Hilgendorf, Kees Lemmens, Rob Willemse |
Physical engineering |
Cauberg - Huygen Raadgevende Ingenieurs bv, Rotterdam Adviesbureau Peutz & Associates bv, Zoetermeer |
Art intervention |
Kim Zwarts (facade print) |