DR Koncerthuset
Copenhagen Concert Hall |
Continent |
Nation |
Region |
Municipality |
Town |
Address |
Website |
ARCHITECTURE | Buildings for recreational activities
Auditoriums and music centres
| |
Project |
2002 - 2005
project winner of competition
Realisation |
2003 - 2009 |
El Croquis 183, II/2016 [Jean Nouvel. 2007-2016. Reflejos de los contemporáneo / Contemporary reflections] "Sala de Conciertos de la Radio Danesa / Danish Radio Concert House", El Croquis 183, II/2016 [Jean Nouvel. 2007-2016. Reflejos de los contemporáneo / Contemporary reflections], pp. 100-115 |
"Konzerthaus in Kopenhagen. Ateliers Jean Nouvel, Paris", Detail 4/2012 [Innenraum + Ausbau / Interiors + Finishing / Aménagements intérieurs], "Dokumentation/documentation" pp. 332-336 |
"Ateliers Jean Nouvel. Concert House Danish Radio, Copenhagen, 2002-09", Lotus International 146, giugno/june 2011 [Interior landscape], pp. 70-79 |
Suzanne Stephens, "Copenhagen Concert Hall. Ateliers Jean Nouvel", Architectural Record 2/2010, february 2010 [Performing arts centers], p. 68-75 |
Klaus-Dieter Weiß, "Blue Box", Architektur Aktuell 358-359, januar-februar/january-february 2010 [Treibstoff Kultur / Spaces of Beauty], pp. 52-63 |
"Danish Radio concert house, Copenhagen. Ateliers Jean Nouvel", A+U. Architecture and Urbanisme 469, october 2009, pp. 30-45 |
Jean Nouvel, "Concert Centre Danish Radio, Copenhagen, Denmark. Ateliers Jean Nouvel", GA Document 107, april 2009, pp. 8-43 |
Sebastian Redecke, "Jean Nouvel. Concert hall, Copenhague", Moniteur Architecture AMC 187, avril 2009, pp. 80-87 |
Elena Cardani, "Concert House DR, Copenhagen. Ateliers Jean Nouvel", L'Arca 245, marzo/march 2009, pp. 28-40 |
"Jean Nouvel. Auditorio, Dinamarca", Arquitectura Viva 124, I-II 2009 [Banda Ancha. Obras digitales: de la estructura a la piel], pp. 64-73 |
"Jean Nouvel. tre opere recenti", Casabella 752, febbraio/february 2007, pp. 64-97 Michele Reboli, "Paesaggio artificiale", Casabella 752, febbraio/february 2007, pp. 91-97 (64-97) |
DR (Denmark Radio) The Danish Broadcasting Corporation |
Surface |
Height |
Number |
Capacity |
halls: 1.800, 500, 200, 200 seats |
Terrell Rooke associés NIRAS A/S |
Project  |
Project architect |
Brigitte Métra, Frédérique Monjanel, Stephane Zopp, Eric Nespoulos, François-Xavier Bourgeois |
Design team |
Sophie Gramatica, Mitzi Vestergard, Lotte Adolph, Jolanta Maria Skowronska , Daniel Cajzer |
Architect of record |
Structural consultant |
Terrell Rooke associés (design phase) NIRAS A/S (execution phase) |
Acoustical consultant |
Nagata Acoustics Yasuhisa Toyota, Motoo Komoda |
Lighting engineer |
Plastic models, rendering, visualization |
Artefactory, Eric Anton Jean-Louis Courtois, Michel Goudin |
Systems |
Photos © Camilla Falchetti Courtesy of Camilla Falchetti