Elemental Quinta Monroy
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The challenge of this project was to accommodate 100 families living in a 30-year old slum, using a subsidy of USD $7,500 that in the best of the cases allowed for 36 m2 of built space in a 5,000 m2 site, the cost of which was three times what social housing could normally afford.
The aim was to keep the families’ social and economic networks, which they had created close to the center city, instead of evicting the families to the periphery. And we wanted the families to live in houses able to achieve a middle-class standard instead of condemning them to an everlasting social housing one. None of the solutions in the market solved the equation.
So we thought of a typology that, as buildings — could make a very efficient use of land and as houses — allowed for expansion. We provided the families with the “half a house” that would be difficult for them to build for themselves and we gave them space to “complete the house” as their means allowed.
After a year, property values tripled and yet, all the families have preferred to stay and keep on improving their homes. |
reinforced concrete, masonry
Continent |
  South America |
Nation |
  Chile |
Region |
  Tarapacá |
Province |
  Iquique |
Town |
  Iquique |
Address |
  Avenida Pedro Prado
Website |
ARCHITECTURE | Residential buildings
Multiple dwelling
TOWN PLANNING AND URBAN DESIGN | Urban design and urban renovation
Residential areas, blocks and districts
| |
Project |
2002 - 2003
project winner of competition
Realisation |
2004 - 2006 |
"Sozialer Wohnungsbau in Iquique/Publicy Supported Housing in Iquique", Detail 9/2008, [Gemeinsam wohnen/Living Together/Habitat collectif], "Typologie/Typology" pp. 944-945, 1047 |
Patricio Mardones Hiche, "Architettura vissuta/Lived-in Architecture. Proyecto Elemental. Iquique. Chile", The Plan 20, giugno-luglio/june-july 2007, "Suburban" pp. 117-118 |
Alejandro Aravena. Progettare e costruire, Mondadori Electa, "Documenti di architettura", Milano 2007, pp. 88-99 (86-113) |
Alejandro Aravena, "Quartiere di abitazione. Quinta Monroy - Elemental", Casabella 742, marzo/march 2006, pp. 80-91 |
Matteo Poli, "Elemental, Aravena!", Domus 886, novembre/november 2005, pp. 34-41
Fabrizio Gallanti, "Interni con figure/Interiors with figures", Domus 886, novembre/november 2005, pp. 36-37 (34-41)
Alejandro Aravena, "Cara Domus,/Dear Domus,", Domus 886, novembre/november 2005, p. 37 (34-41) |
"Dalle idee ai fatti", Il giornale dell'architettura 26, febbraio 2005, "Concorsi e appalti" p. 14 |
Fabrizio Gallanti, "Case per famiglie a 7.500 dollari", Il giornale dell'architettura 18, maggio 2004, "Concorsi e appalti" p. 14 |
Gobierno Regional de Tarapacá, Programa Chile Barrio MINVU Gobierno de Chile |
$ 1.100.000 ($/unit 7.500 - $/mq. 100) |
Number |
Capacity |
Surface |
House sq.m. 80 (sq.m. 36 initial + sq.m. 34 enlargement) Apartment sq.m. 72 (sq.m. 25 initial + sq.m. 45 enlargement) total sq.m. 3.620 |
Height |
Juan Carlos de la Llera, Karl Lüders, Mario Alvarez, José Gajardo |
Design team |
Alejandro Aravena, Alfonso Montero, Tomás Cortese, Emilio de la Cerda, Andrés Iacobelli |
Consultant |
Tomás Fischer, Alejandro Ampuero |
Plastic models, rendering, visualization |
Equipo Arquitectura, Victor Oddo |
General contractor |
Constructora Loga, Iquique |
Photos © Cristobal Palma, Ludovic Dusuzean, Tadeuz Jalocha Text edited by Alejandro Aravena, ELEMENTAL Courtesy of Pritzker Prize/The Hyatt Foundation | ELEMENTAL