Water villa's
At the boarder of Almere City a new living area is planned directly near the water site. The urban layout offers a high level of privacy to the inhabitants, because the individual housing blocks start to free themselves up from their surrounding. Void spaces realise maximal distances and create sight lines between the various housing blocks. This is the ideal location for living where everybody can express his individuality by creating his own house.
The initial idea was to create a maximal flexibility and to secure individuality. The house consists of a basic package, which can be extended and elaborated depending on personal preferences and lifestyle of the client.
The basic package consists of 2 concrete modules of 6 meters in the width, 10 meters in the depth and 3 meters in the height. Hereby the first floor is shifted about 2.50m in direction of the length to receive automatically a balcony.
The optional package is developed to extend the basic housing type according to individual needs. It offers the possibility to elaborate and increase its volumetric potential. The construction consists of a prefabricated steel frame box of 2.5 by 6 meters. It is “plugged-in” the basic package at the needed position. This box is cladded with wood to turn into a balcony, winter garden or extra-room. |
Continent |
Nation |
Region |
Town |
Place |
Address |
ARCHITECTURE | Residential buildings
Multiple dwelling
| |
Project |
Realisation |
2001 |
Massimo Zammerini, Edifici per abitare, Edilstampa, Roma 2004, pp. 146-151 |
"Complesso residenziale ad Almere, Olanda/Flexible housing in Almere, The Netherlands", L'industria delle costruzioni 372, luglio-agosto/july-august 2003 [Case aggregate], pp. 70-77, cover |
"UN Studio. Quartiere residenziale. Almere, Paesi Bassi 2001", Casabella 713, luglio-agosto/july-august 2003, pp. 60-67 |
Abitare 417, maggio/may 2002 [Olanda/Nederland], p. 177 (174-179), 191 (180-197) |
Detail 2002/3, pp. 200-201 |
Visser Bouwmaatschappij B.V., Huizen |
Number |
Dimensions |
base cell: width m. 6, depth m. 10, height m. 3, balcony m. 2,5 |
Surface |
site sq.m. 15.147 building sq.m. 2.880 |
Ingenieursgroep van Rossum |
Project  |
UN Studio Van Berkel & Bos, Amsterdam |
Project architect |
Design team |
Boudewijn Rosman, Henri Snel, Gianni Cito, Katrin Meyer, Martin Kuitert, Aad Krom |
Construction management |
Ingenieursgroep van Rossum, Almere-Haven |
Photos © Christian Richters, Monostudio Drawings © UNStudio Text edited by UNStudio Courtesy by UNStudio, Prestphoto