Continent |
Nation |
Region |
District |
Town |
Neighborhoods |
Address |
Main |
ARCHITECTURE | Buildings for cultural activities
Art galleries and exhibition areas
Congress and conference centre
Buildings for recreational activities
Auditoriums and music centres
| |
Additional |
ARCHITECTURE | Commercial buildings
Bars, cafeterias
Transport buildings and structures
Garages, car parking, etc.
| |
Project |
1987 - 1994
Realisation |
1993 - 1994 |
Cecil Balmond, "Informale e nuove strutture/New Structure and the Informal", Lotus international 98, settembre/september 1998 [Costruzioni/Tectonics], pp. 73-74 (70-83) |
Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi, Rem Koolhaas. Trasparenze metropolitane, Universale di Architettura, Testo&Immagine, Torino 1997, pp. 64-67 (60-67) |
Doriana O. Mandrelli, "Euralille", L'Arca 101, febbraio/february 1996 [La nuova città/The New City], pp. 41-43 (30-43) |
Espace Croise (Ed.), Euralille. The Making of a New City Center. Koolhaas, Nouvel, Portzamparc, Vasconi, Duthilleul. Architects, Birkhäuser, Basel 1996, pp. 74-85 |
Daniel Treiber, "OMA a Euralille: una angosciata modernità", Casabella 623, maggio/may 1995, pp. 18-33 Rem Koolhaas, "Un salto quantistico", Casabella 623, maggio/may 1995, p. 18 (18-33) Daniel Treiber, "Intervista con Jean-Paul Baïetto", Casabella 623, maggio/may 1995, pp. 24-25 (18-33) |
Françoise Fromonot, "L'art de l'ellipse. Entretien avec Rem Koolhaas", L'architecture d'aujourd'hui 298, avril/april 1995, pp. 89-90 (83-107) |
Françoise Fromonot, "Gros plans", L'architecture d'aujourd'hui 298, avril/april 1995, p. 85 (83-107) |
Rem Koolhaas, "Bigness", L'architecture d'aujourd'hui 298, avril/april 1995, p. 84 (83-107) |
AA.VV., "Koolhaas. Congrexpo à Lille", L'architecture d'aujourd'hui 298, avril/april 1995, pp. 83-107 "dossier" |
"Stazioni di terra, di mare, di cielo/Land, sea and sky stations", Abitare 336, gennaio/january 1995, pp. 75-83 (75-97) "Lille-Grand-Palais", Abitare 336, gennaio/january 1995, pp. 80-83 (75-83) |
"Euralille", GA Document 41, november 1994, pp. 36-65 Y. Futagawa (photo), "Office for Metropolitan Architecture. Lille Grand Palais", GA Document 41, november 1994, pp. 44-65 (36-65) |
El Croquis 53, 1992/I [OMA/Rem Koolhaas 1987 1993], 3rd revised edition, pp. 174- 189 |
Ville de Lille SAEM Lille Association Lille Grand-palais |
Surface |
Building sq.m. 45.500 Exhibition space sq.m. 20.000 Congress halls sq.m. 18.000 |
Capacity |
Concert Hall Zénith 5.500 seats Theatre 1.500 seats
underground parking 1.230 cars |
Number |
Ove Arup & Partners - Cecil Balmond, Robert Pugh, Rory McGowan, Mohsen Zikri |
Principal-in-charge |
Project management |
Project architect |
Design team |
Jan-Willem van Kuilenburg, Ruud Cobussen, Jeanne Gang, Diana Stiles, Rients Dijkstra, Ray Maggiore, Yushi Uehara, Ron Witte, Dirk Zuiderveld |
Associate architect |
FM Delhay François Delhay, F.M. Delhay-Caille, François Brevart, Xavier d'Alençon |
Collaborators |
Jan-Willem van Kuilenburg, Ray Maggiore, Mark Schendel, Yushi Uehara, Ron Witte, Rients Dijstra, Ruud Cobussen, Jeanne Gang, Diana Stiles, Luc Veeger, Dirk Zuiderveld (OMA) François Brevart, Xavier d'Alençon, Christophe d'Hulst, Bertrand Fages, Isabelle Lemetay, James Lenglin, Shoreh Davar Panal, Olivier Touraine (Delhay) |
Construction management |
Facades consultant |
Agence van Santen Robert-Jan van Santen |
Settings |
Acoustical consultant |
TNO-Bouw - Rents van Luxembourg |
Interior design |
Petra Blaisse with Julie Sfez |
Graphics and signage |