Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia
Addition |
Continent |
Nation |
Autonomous community |
Province |
Town |
District |
Neighborhoods |
Address |
Telephone |
Website |
E-mail |
Main |
ARCHITECTURE | Buildings for cultural activities
Libraries and media libraries
Museums and buildings for exhibitions
Art museums
Buildings for recreational activities
Auditoriums and music centres
Operations on existing buildings
Extension, superelevation
| |
Additional |
ARCHITECTURE | Commercial buildings
Bars, cafeterias
| |
Project |
project winner of competition
Realisation |
2004 |
Carlo Prati, "Museo e centro d'Arte "Reina Sofia" a Madrid/Reina Sofia Museum, Madrid", L'industria delle costruzioni 396, luglio-agosto/july-august 2007 [Innesti - Sovrapposizioni - Estensioni], pp. 34-39 |
Mario Antonio Arnaboldi, "Buen Retiro tecnologico / Reina Sofia Museum", L'Arca Plus 51, IV trimestre/4th quarter 2006 [Memoria e innovazione / Memory and Innovation], pp. 80-89 |
Jean Nouvel, "Extension of the National Central Museum of Reina Sofia, Madrid. Ateliers Jean Nouvel", GA Document 93, september 2006 [Jean Nouvel], pp. 106-131 (8-131) |
Matxalen Acasuso, "Museum reina Sofia", Detail 12/2005 [Architekt+Ingenieur/Architects+Engineers/Architects+Ingénieurs], "Berichte/report" p. 1426 |
Antonio Miró Valverde, "Uno specchio di granito", Il giornale dell'architettura 33, ottobre 2005, "Musei" p. 18 |
François Chaslin, "'Ich bin ein Spanier'/'I am a Spaniard'", Arquitectura Viva 103, VII-VIII 2005 [Valencia 2007], " Últimos proyectos - Técnica / Diseño" pp. 100-103 (100-123) "Ala con arte. Museo Reina Sofía, Madrid", Arquitectura Viva 103, VII-VIII 2005 [Valencia 2007], " Últimos proyectos - Técnica / Diseño" pp. 104-111 (100-123) |
Francesco Dal Co, "Il pudore perduto. Yoshio Taniguchi e il nuovo MoMA, Jean Nouvel e il nuovo Reina Sofía/Lost modesty. Yoshio Taniguchi and the new MoMA, Jean Nouvel and the new Reina Sofía", Casabella 734, giugno/june 2005, "Editoriale" pp. 3-5, 99-100 |
Jean Nouvel Atelier, "MNCARS. Madrid. Jean Nouvel", Area 77, novembre-dicembre/november-december 2004 [Surface], "Scenari di architettura" pp. 96-105 |
"Concorso per l'ampliamento del Centro de Arte Reina Sofia/Competition for the addition to the Centro de Arte Reina Sofia", Casabella 682, ottobre/october 2000 [Monumenti urbani], "Concorsi" pp. 8-21 Luis Feduchi, "Il verdetto della giuria: un premio all'astuzia", Casabella 682, ottobre/october 2000 [Monumenti urbani], "Concorsi" p. 9 (8-21) Jean Nouvel, "Jean Nouvel. Primo premio", Casabella 682, ottobre/october 2000 [Monumenti urbani], "Concorsi" pp. 10-11 (8-21) |
Ministero de Education y Cultura Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia |
€ 54.882.000 (€/m² 2.553) |
Surface |
usable floor sq.m. 21.500 gross floor sq.m. 23.800 |
Project  |
Project architect |
Collaborators |
David Fagard, Gianluca Ferrarini, Jérémie Lebarillec, Sergio Noero, Florence Rabiet, Sophie Thullier, Mounie El Hawat, Gianluca Ferrarini, Anne Lamiable, Agustin Miranda, Carlos Nogueira, Adelino Magalhaes, Eloisa Siles, Marcos Velasco, Fermina Garrido, Antonia Garcia |
Plastic models, rendering, visualization |
Jean-Louis Courtois, Didier Ghislain, Artefactory |
Interior design |
Acoustical consultant |
Hydraulic engineer |
Widening of the existing structure, founded in 1980, a time “Hospital general de Madrid”, constructed from Sabatini in 1781. |