Passerelle Simone de Beauvoir
Simone de Beauvoir Footbridge |
Continent |
Nation |
Region |
District |
Town |
Neighborhoods |
Address |
ARCHITECTURE | Transport buildings and structures
Bridges and walkways
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Project |
project winner of competition
Realisation |
2004 - 2006 |
Susanne Stacher, "Feichtinger architects. Drei Fußgängerbrücken: Weil am Rhein, Strassburg, La Défense. Von Insekten zu Dinosauriern/Feichtinger architects. Three pedestrian bridges: Weil am Rhein, Strassburg, La Défense. From insects to dinosaurs", Architektur Aktuell 349, april 2009 [Engineering. Die Technik der Kunst/Art and technology], pp. 56-67 |
"Cecil Balmond, Dietmar Feichtinger. Nuove esperienze della progettazione strutturale", Casabella 757, luglio-agosto/july-august 2008, "Nuove strutture" pp. 60-85, 93-94 "Dietmar Feichtinger. Passerella Simone de Beauvoir. Bercy-Tolbiac, Parigi", Casabella 757, luglio-agosto/july-august 2008, "Nuove strutture" pp. 76-85 (60-85, 93-94) Françoise Fromonot, "Passerella Simone de Beauvoir, Parigi", Casabella 757, luglio-agosto/july-august 2008, "Nuove strutture" pp. 77-78, 93-94 (76-85 (60-85, 93-94)) |
"Fußgängerbrüchke in Paris/Pedestrian Bridge in Paris", Detail 7/8 2007 [Bauen mit stahl/Steel Construction/Architecture in acier], "Dokumentation/Documentation" pp. 800-805, 919 |
Armelle Lavalou, François Lamarre, Jean-Paul Robert, Passerelle Simone de Beauvoir. Paris. Feichtinger Architectes, Ante Prima AAM, Paris 2007 |
Christian Horn, "Constructing an elegant bridge", A10 new European architecture 13, january-february 2007, p. 11 |
"Detail Preis 2007 »Ästhetik und Konstruktion«/Detail Award 2007 for Aesthetics and Construction", Detail 1-2/2007 [Bauen mit Glas/Glass Construction/Construire en Verre], "Diskussion/Discussion", p. 12 (6-14) |
Axel Sowa, Sebastian Niemann, "Passerelle Simone-de-Beauvoir, Paris/Simone de Beauvoir footbridge, Paris", L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui 367, novembre-décembre/november-december 2006, pp. 30-32 |
Françoise Fromonot, "Dietmar Feichtinger. Ponte passerella Bercy-Tolbiac/Bercy-Tolbiac footbridge. Parigi 1999", Casabella 678, maggio/may 2000 [L'architetto e la talpa], pp. 44-47 |
"Fussgängerbrücke Bercy-Tolbiac, Paris/Bercy-Tolbiac pedestrian bridge, Paris", Detail 8/1999 [Brucken/Bridge construction], dezember/december 1999, p. 1445 |
Niccolò Baldassini, "Un segno come ponte/The Bercy Footbridge in Paris", L'Arca 139, luglio-agosto/july-august 1999 [Strutture/Structures], pp. 20-23 |
Catherine Slessor, "New Seine crossing", Architectural Review 1229, july 1999, pp. 20-23 |
Marie de Paris, Direction de la Voirie et des Déplacements |
Lenght |
Project  |
Project architect |
Dietmar Feichtinger, Barbara Feichtinger-Felber |
Design team |
José-Luis Fuentes, Marta Mendonça, Christian Pichler, Bernardo Bader, Ulrike Plos, Claire Bodenez, Guy Deshayes |
Structural consultant |
RFR, Paris François Consigny, Nicolas Prouvé, Bernard Vaudeville, Henry Bardsley, Mathias Kutterer |
Construction management |
José-Luis Fuentes, Guy Deshayes |
Technological design |
Henry Bardsley, Mathias Kutterer |
Property management |