Cidade da Cultura de Galicia
City of Culture of Galicia |
Continent |
Nation |
Autonomous community |
Province |
Town |
Address |
Website |
Main |
TOWN PLANNING AND URBAN DESIGN | Urban design and urban renovation
Recreational and cultural areas and centres
| |
Additional |
ARCHITECTURE | Buildings for cultural activities
Libraries and media libraries
Conference halls
Multi-purpose centres
Museums and buildings for exhibitions
Others museums
Buildings for recreational activities
| |
Project |
project winner of limited competiton
Realisation |
2001 - 2012 |
2003 |
Progressive Architecture Architectural Design Award |
Christopher Hawthorne (text), Miguel de Guzmán (photo), "Coda to a Career", Architect 1/2014, january 2014, "Center" pp. 66-74 |
Stefano Casciani, "La Via Lattea/The Milky Way", Domus speciale. Fra Terra e Cielo/Between Hearth and Heaven, pp. 18-25, allegato a /published with Domus 900, febbraio/february 2007 |
Michael Webb, "Santiago's second shrine. Architect: Peter Eisenman", Architectural Review 1309, march 2006, p. 28 |
"Next architecture", Domus 851, settembre/september 2002, p. 43 (40-43)
"Eisenman Architects. Città della Cultura/Cultural complex, Santiago de Compostela", Domus 851, settembre/september 2002, p. 51 |
Isotta Cortesi, "City of Culture. Santiago de Compostela", Area 63, luglio-agosto/july-august 2002 [Paesaggi materia, colore, decorazione/landscape], pp. 36-47 |
"Eisenman Architects. Città della cultura, Santiago de Compostela, Galizia" in Next. 8. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura. 2002, Marsilio, Venezia 2002, "Spettacolo" pp. 318-321 |
"Eisenman a Santiago/A Citadel for Culture", L'Arca 164, novembre/november 2001 [Informazione e cultura/Information and culture], "l'Arca2" p. 90 |
Ariane Wilson, "Cite de la Culture de Galice. Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle. Espagne/City of Culture. Santiago de Compostela. Spain", L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui 336, septembre-octobre/september-october 2001, pp. 44-46 |
John E. Czarnecki, "Eisenman believes that the City of Culture in Galicia will place him with Gehry, Moneo", Architectural Record vol. 189, n. 5, may 2001, p. 48 |
Peter Eisenman, "Peter Eisenman. Città della cultura della Galizia, Santiago de Compostela, Spagna/The Galicia City of Culture, Santiago de Compostela, Spain", Domus 824, marzo/march 2000, pp. 9-15 |
Peter Eisenman, "Contrazione e implosione", Casabella 675, febbraio/february 2000 [Progetto e memoria], pp. 42-43 (32-43) |
Soren Larson, "Eisenman to design cultural complex in Spanish pilgrimage city", Architectural Record vol. 187, n. 10, october 1999, p. 55 |
Anatxu Zabalbeascoa, Luis Fernandez-Galiano, "Concurso de la Ciudad de la Cultura de Galicia/City of Culture competition", Arquitectura viva 67, julio-agosto/july-august 1999, pp. 59-65 |
Fragments of a City. Cidade da Cultura de Galicia, Berlin, Aedes am Pfefferberg, 6 may/4 july 2010 |
Fundación Cidade da Cultura de Galicia |
Surface |
covered area sq.m. 141.800 |
Büro Happold Consulting Engineers |
Olin Partnership, Laurie Olin |
Project  |
Associate designers  |
Project leader |
Project architect |
Associate architect |
Design team |
Competition Hui-Min Chan, Sebastian Mittendorfer, Selim Vural, Susan Wong, Elena Fernandez Development Matteo Cainer, Hernan Diaz Alonso, Andri Gerber, Chien Ho Hsu, Jorg Kiesow, Ceu Martinez, Paul Preissner, Jeremy Ricketts, Andy Saunders, Onur Teke Design Jennifer Mujat-Kerns, Ashraf Sami Abdala, Jeremy Carvalho, Christiane Fashek, Erkan Emre, Eric Goldemberg, Matias Mustacchio, Rafael Ivan Passos, Anna Pla, Theo Spyropoulos, Yakob Zutanito, Federica Vannucchi |
Collaborators |
Diego Arralgada, Joe Bailey, Lihi Gerstner, Monika Goebel, Richard Hunt, Sofia Karim, Yanni Loukissas, Wei Wei Shannon, Sergio Socolovsky, H.K. Tran |
Structural consultant |
Andre Chaszar, Craig Schwitter (design team) |
Systems |
Büro Happold Consulting Engineers |