Farnsworth House
steel, glass, reinforced concrete, travertin, wood Columns in steel sand-blasting and painted of white, walls in glass thickness half centimeter, foundations in concrete, roof and pavement in roman travertine, center block in white mahogany
Continent |
  North America |
Nation |
  United States |
State |
  Illinois |
County |
  Kendall |
Town |
  Plano |
Address |
  14520, River Road (On the river Fox, near Plano, 75 km ovest from Chicago)
Telephone |
Website |
ARCHITECTURE | Residential buildings
Detached, semi-detached houses and villas
| |
Project |
Realisation |
1951 |
Alex Beam, Broken Glass. Mies van der Rohe, Edith Farnsworth, and the Fight Over a Modernist Masterpiece, Random House, New York 2020 |
Ben Schulman, "Shoring Up Is Hard To Do. The iconic Farnsworth House and the future of flood mitigation", Architect 12/2015, december 2015, "AIA Feature" pp. 38-42 |
"Mies van der Rohe. La casa Farnsworth", Casabella 767, giugno/june 2008, "Ville" pp. 90-101, 112-114 Dirk Lohan, "La casa Farnsworth: quando il rigore diviene poesia/The Farnswort House, an Architectural Poem", Casabella 767, giugno/june 2008, "Ville" pp. 92, 112-113 (90-101, 112-114) Francesco Dal Co, "I fatti e le circostanze della vita: la storia di casa Farnsworth/The facts and circumstances of life: the story of the Farnsworth house", Casabella 767, giugno/june 2008, "Ville" pp. 96-97, 113 (90-101, 112-114) Nicholas Adams, "Myron Goldsmith: learning from the Farnsworth House", Casabella 767, giugno/june 2008, "Ville" pp. 98, 113-114 (90-101, 112-114) |
"Icona del «Less is more» acquistata dai conservazionisti per 6,7 milioni di dollari", Il giornale dell'architettura 14, gennaio 2004, p. 15 |
Roberto Masiero, "Il sex appeal dell'inossidabile/The sex appeal of stainless steel", Materia 33, settembre-dicembre 2000 [Architettura in acciaio/Steel architecture], pp. 24 (22-27) (saggi/essays) |
Bertrand Lemoine, "Wohnhäuser aus Stahl/Houses of Steel", Detail 4/1999 [Bauen mit Stahl/Steel Construction/Architecture en acier], "Diskussion" p. 594 (592-597) |
Werner Blaser, Mies van der Rohe. Farnsworth House, Birkhauser, 1999 |
Franz Schulze, The Farnsworth House, William Hutching, 1997 |
Franz Schulze, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Editoriale Jaca Book, Milano 1989, pp. 249-255 |
Sandro Marpillero, "L'insostenibile pesantezza dell'architettura", Rassegna 36, dicembre/december 1988 [Minimal], p. 66 (66-73) |
Yukio Futagawa, "Mies van der Rohe. Farnsworth House, Plano, Illinois, 1945-50", GA Global Architecture 27, A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo 1974 |
Bruno Zevi, Spazî dell'architettura moderna, Einaudi, Torino 1973, tav. 214 [III. I maestri del periodo razionalista] |
L'architecture d'aujourd d'hui 50-51, décembre/december 1953 [U.S.A. Contributions americaines a l'architecture contemporaine], p. 29 (26-33) |
Dimensions |
Project  |
The house was acquired in the 1962 from the London's builder Peter Palumbo, admirer of Mies architecture that has conserved it with the cure that it demands. In the 2002 building it has been saved from the demolition for the personal participation of the Governor of the Illinois George H. Ryan. In date 12 December 2003 the house has been sold to the auction from Sotheby's and acquired from the “National Trust for Historic Preservation” for 7,5 million dollars. |