Tate Modern (Tate Gallery of Modern Art)
Continent |
  Europe |
Nation |
  United Kingdom |
State |
  England |
Region |
  London |
County |
  Greater London |
Town |
  London |
Address |
  Tate Modern, Bankside, London SE1 9TG
Telephone |
Website |
ARCHITECTURE | Buildings for cultural activities
Art galleries and exhibition areas
Museums and buildings for exhibitions
Art museums
Operations on existing buildings
| |
Project |
1994 - 1995
project winner of competition
Realisation |
1995 - 2000 |
Title |
Directed by |
Nationality |
Year of production |
Cast |
Rose Byrne, Ethan Hawke, Chris O'Dowd, Denise Gough, Phil Davis |
Building's role |
Title |
Directed by |
Nationality |
Year of production |
Cast |
Danqing Chen, Ying Gao, Changwei Gu, Ai Weiwei |
Building's role |
Annotations |
Title |
Directed by |
Nationality |
Year of production |
Cast |
Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Scarlett Johansson, Emily Mortimer, Matthew Goode, Brian Cox, Penelope Wilton, Ewen Bremner, James Nesbitt, Rupert Penry-Jones |
Building's role |
"Transformación de la Tate Modern/Transforming Tate Modern", in Jean-François Chevrier (ed.), El Croquis 152-153, IV-V 2010 [Herzog & de Meuron. 2005-2010. Programa, monumento, paisaje/Programme, monument, landscape], pp. 202-215 |
Mark Irving, "Scultura mangia architettura/When sculpture eats architecture", Domus 853, novembre/november 2002, pp. 64-73, cover |
Philip Jodidio, Architecture Now!, Taschen, Köln 2001, pp. 144-149 |
"Herzog & de Meuron. Tate Modern, Londra/Herzog & de Meuron. Tate Modern, London", Materia 33, settembre-dicembre/september-december 2000 [Architettura in acciaio/Steel architecture], "Panorama/Overview" p. 103 (102-105) |
Catherine Slessor, "Art and industry: Tate Modern, Bankside, London", Architectural Review 1242, august 2000 [Evolving museums], p. 44-49 |
Dietmar Steiner, "Tate Modern, Londra/Tate Modern, London" (interview), Domus 828, luglio-agosto/july-august 2000, pp. 32-43 |
"Musei per un nuovo millennio: venticinque progetti in mostra/Museums for a new Millennium: twenty-five projects on display", Domus 826, maggio/may 2000, "Notizie/News" VI |
Fulvio Irace, Dimenticare Vitruvio. Temi, figure e paesaggi dell'architettura contemporanea, Il Sole 24 Ore, Milano 2001, pp. 52-55 [da Il Sole 24 Ore, 14 maggio 2000] |
Philip Jodidio, Building a new millennium, Taschen, Köln 2000, pp. 222-225 |
Rowan Moore, Raymund Ryan, Building Tate Modern. Herzog & De Meuron transforming Giles Gilbert Scott, Tate Gallery, London 2000 |
Building Tate Modern. Herzog & de Meuron transforming Giles Gilbert Scott, Tate Gallery Publishing, London 2000 |
"Tate Gallery of Modern Art, Bankside, Londra", Casabella 661, novembre/november 1998, "Architettura e progetti" pp. 8-19 Richard Burdett, "Storia di un progetto/Story of a Project", Casabella 661, novembre/november 1998, "Architettura e progetti" pp. 8-12 (8-19) Nicholas Serota, "La nuova Tate Gallery of Modern Art/The New Tate Gallery of Modern Art", Casabella 661, novembre/november 1998, "Architettura e progetti" pp. 13-14 (8-19) |
El Croquis 84, 1997/II [Herzog & de Meuron. 1993-1997], pp. 172-181 |
Surface |
totale sq.m. 34.550 exhibition space sq.m. 14.000 |
Project  |
Project architect |
Jacques Herzog, Pierre de Meuron, Harry Grugger, Christine Binswanger |
Principal-in-charge |
Jacques Herzog, Harry Gugger |
Project leader |
Collaborators |
Thomas Baldauf, Ed Carson, Victoria castro, Emanuel Christ, Peter Cookson, Adam Firth, Nik Graber, Konstantin Karagiannis, Angelika Krestas, Patrik Linggi, Yvonne Rudolf, Juan Salgado, Vicky Thornton, Hernan Fierro, Kristen Whittle, Camillo Zanardini, Mario Meier, Irina Davidovici, Liam Dewar, Catherine Fierens, Matthias Gnehm, José Ojeda Martos, Filipa Mourao |