Vila Tugendhat
Tugendhat House |
Continent |
Nation |
Territory |
Region |
District |
Town |
Address |
Telephone |
Fax |
Website |
E-mail |
tugendhat-villa@tugendhat-villa.cz |
ARCHITECTURE | Museums and buildings for exhibitions
Historic house museums
Residential buildings
Detached, semi-detached houses and villas
| |
Project |
Realisation |
1930 |
2001 |
UNESCO World Heritage Site |
Ruggero Tropeano (text), David Židlický (photo), "Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Casa Tugendhat. Brno, Repubblica Ceca / Tugendhat House. Brno, Czech Republic", Domus 994, settembre/september 2015, "Progetti/Projects" pp. 86-103 |
Rüdiger Kramm, Alex Dill, Vila Tugendhat Brno, Ernst Wasmuth Verlag, Tübingen Berlin 2007 |
A.S., "Villa Tugendaht: meglio prevenire che curare", Il giornale dell'architettura 43, settembre 2006, "Restauro" p. 18 |
Daniela Hammer-Tugendhat, Wolf Tegethoff (ed.), Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. The Tugendhat House, Springer-Verlag, Wien 2000 |
Bertrand Lemoine, "Wohnhäuser aus Stahl/Houses of Steel", Detail 4/1999 [Bauen mit Stahl/Steel Construction/Architecture en acier], "Diskussion" p. 595 (592-597) |
Marc Dubois, "La dimensione del tavolo/The Table Dimension", Lotus international 98, settembre/september 1998 [Costruzioni/Tectonics], p. 114 (112-131) |
Lorenzino Cremonini, Marino Moretti, Vittorio Pannocchia, Casa Tugendhat. Mies van der Rohe, Alinea Editrice, Firenze 1997 |
Franz Schulze, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Editoriale Jaca Book, Milano 1989, pp. 163-174 |
Pavel Štecha (photo), "Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Villa Tugendhat, Brno (1928-1930)", Domus 678, dicembre/december 1986, pp. 25-37 Válav Šedý, Domus 678, dicembre/december 1986, p. 25 (25-37) Jan Sapák, Domus 678, dicembre/december 1986, pp. 28-37 (25-37) Jan Sapák, "Alcune informazioni sulla ristrutturazione/Some information on the restoration", Domus 678, dicembre/december 1986, p. 37 (25-37) |
Bruno Zevi, Spazî dell'architettura moderna, Einaudi, Torino 1973, tav. 206-209 [III. I maestri del periodo razionalista] |
Villa Tugendhat, Oslo, Nasjonalmuseet - Villa Stenersen, 5 february / 24 april 2016 |
The Tugendhat family abandoned the house in 1938, before that Hitler occupied Czechoslovakia. Subsequently the house was inhabited from Albert Messerschmitt, manufacturer of airplanes and personage of relief of the Third Reich, and after the defeat of the Wermacht was occupied from the troops of the Red Army. During these occupations the house has been devastated. They were removed, among other things, the wall of ebony and the statue of Wilhelm Lehmbruck. After to have been used after center of a pediatric hospital, in years '80 it was restructured from the appropriate organism of then Czechoslovakia; furnished with modern furnitures, it was used after municipal reunions. |