Paolo Soleri
* Torino, Italia, 21 Giugno 1919 |
+ Arcosanti (AZ), Stati Uniti [United States], 9 Aprile 2013 |
italiana |
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Leone d'Oro alla Carriera
VII Mostra Internazionale d'Architettura di Venezia |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Arcosanti |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Arcosanti |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Arcosanti |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Arcosanti |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Tucson |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Arcosanti |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Arcosanti |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Arcosanti |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Phoenix |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Arcosanti |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Arcosanti |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Arcosanti |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Arcosanti |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Arcosanti |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Arcosanti |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Scottsdale |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Scottsdale |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Scottsdale |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Scottsdale |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Scottsdale |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Scottsdale |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Scottsdale |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Scottsdale |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Scottsdale |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Scottsdale |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Scottsdale |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Scottsdale |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Scottsdale |

» Vietri sul Mare |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Cave Creek |
Paolo Soleri, What If? Quaderni. Vol. 1, The Cosanti Press, Mayer 2002 |
Paolo Soleri, What If Collected Writings 1986-2000, Berkeley Hills Books, Berkeley 2002 |
Paolo Soleri, Arcosanti: An Urban Laboratory?, The Cosanti Press, Mayer 1993 |
Paolo Soleri, Technology and Cosmogenesis, Paragon, New York 1986 |
Paolo Soleri, Scott M. Davis, Paolo Soleri's Earth Casting: For Sculpture, Models and Construction, Peregrine-Smith, Salt Lake City 1984 |
Paolo Soleri, Space for Peace, Cosanti Foundation, Paradise Valley 1984 |
Paolo Soleri, The Sketchbooks of Paolo Soleri, MIT Press, Cambridge 1971 |
Paolo Soleri, Arcology. The City in the Image of Man, MIT Press, Cambridge 1969 |
Timothy Hursley (photo), "Paolo Soleri", Architect 1/2011, january 2011, "culture" pp. 110-114 |
Lina Malfona, "Paolo Soleri, costruttore di sogni", L'industria delle costruzioni 409, settembre-ottobre/september-october 2009 [Rassegna italiana 4], "Argomenti" pp. 96-99 |
Luigi Spinelli. Charles Eames (photo), "Earth Mother", Domus 918, ottobre/october 2008, "Archives" pp. 117-121 |
Emanuele Piccardo, Filippo Romano, Soleritown, plug_in, Genova 2007 |
"Laboratori di progettazione allo IUAV", Casabella 730, febbraio/february 2005 [Luoghi per lo spettacolo e la musica], pp. 16-23 Francesco Magnani, "Un modo diverso per insegnare la progettazione", Casabella 730, febbraio/february 2005 [Luoghi per lo spettacolo e la musica], p. 17 (16-23) "Workshop. Paolo Soleri", Casabella 730, febbraio/february 2005 [Luoghi per lo spettacolo e la musica], p. 23 (16-23) |
Paolo Soleri. Etica e Invenzione Urbana, Fratelli Palombi Editori, Roma 2005 |
Luigi Spinelli, "Soleri. Cosanti, Arcosanti", Domus 812, febbraio/february 1999 [Il progetto sotterraneo/Underground Project], "Itinerario/Itinerary" 153 pp. 91-98 Luigi Spinelli, "Soleri e l'Arizona/Soleri's Arizona", Domus 812, febbraio/february 1999 [Il progetto sotterraneo/Underground Project], "Itinerario/Itinerary" 153 p. 98 (91-98) |
Michele Bazan Giordano, "Il mondo di Soleri/The world of Soleri", L'Arca 37, aprile/april 1990 [Sistemi/Systems], "l'Arca2" pp. 100-101 |
Titolo |
Paolo Soleri. Beyond Form |
Regia |
Nazionalità |
Anno di produzione |
Interpreti |
Ruolo dell'autore |
Alba Cappellieri, "Frugalità, una ricetta per progettare", Il giornale dell'architettura 33, dicembre 2005, "Mostre" p. 33 |
François Burkhardt, "Trentacinque anni dopo: una visita a Cosanti/Thirty-five years after: a visit to Cosanti", Domus 812, febbraio/february 1999 [Il progetto sotterraneo/Underground Project], "Architettura/Architecture" pp. 44-47 |
Michele Bazan Giordano, "Il mondo di Soleri/The world of Soleri", L'Arca 37, aprile/april 1990 [Sistemi/Systems], "l'Arca2" pp. 100-101 |
Nanda Vigo, Arch/arcology, Roma, MAXXI Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, 2 / 25 february 2018
When Alcantara and MAXXI invited me to participate in the “Studio visit” project, the section of the museum’s archive that I first focussed my attention on was the vast collection of works by Aldo Rossi, a man who was also more poet than architect. I also found Maurizio Sacripanti’s work interesting, especially his project for the Italian Pavilion at Expo '70 in Osaka. But, once I had read the material about architect Paolo Soleri, it was obvious that his “discourse” would have to be widely referenced. And I’m not talking about the city of Arcosanti, constructed by hand by his architecture students, as much as I’m talking about his imaginative projects for the architectures of the future.
Stellar poetry for cosmic spaces at zero gravity. I don’t know what “prudery” drives everyone else to try and avoid the question, but I myself am convinced that it is this that will be the architecture of the future - always assuming that our “blue” planet can regenerate itself from the indiscriminate use of materials and the excessive exploitation to which we have lovelessly subjected it.
Since I was a little girl, reading Flash Gordon, I have dreamt of living in the cities of the planet Mongo, suspended in antigravity between the sky and the ground, and rediscovering, re-reading architect Paolo Soleri’s projects, like those that took up an extraordinary nine metres in the Archive, really piqued my interest and gave me real pleasure; even more so because they’re projects that you can only see on paper, never built.
All of this “triggered” a desire to develop them in 3D: in the centre of the room, a three-dimensional sculpture represents a design/project from the ‘60s, “Single Cantilever bridge”, now in the archives of the Soleri Foundation; while three open walls meet the viewer head on and show the 3D development of some designs/projects, always shown only as plans, standing out on black and stellar backgrounds.
I was able to realise this “dream” with the help of a precious and ductile material called Alcantara, which allowed me to create risky solutions in a soft and continuous style.
The title “Arch/Arcology” is a play on the development of Arcosanti’s architecture and its projects, and on an idea of the archaeology of the current architectures of the "city".
As a soundtrack I have chosen a selection of songs by Franco Battiato, perfectly “pitched” for Soleri’s work.
Nanda Vigo |
Highllights / Visions, Roma, MAXXI Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Sala Carlo Scarpa, 11 march / 2 october 2016
This exhibition prompts a dialogue among the selected works of Italian and international artists and architects present in the MAXXI collection around the theme of vision, that is, the capacity to see objective reality and transfigure it in a subjective dimension. Perceptions, intuitions and utopias are the instruments artists use to present us their ideas about the world and about how to change it. Sou Fujimoto, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Paolo Soleri, Luca Vitone, Franz West and Chen Zhen draw inspiration from a continual need for transformation, while different their poetics share a tension towards a renewed reality in which nature and artifice coexist in harmony. Starting from a perception, and with the aid of science, technology, art, culture and politics, the selected artists and architects modify the way we see, hear and interpret reality. |
Emanuele Piccardo, Filippo Romano (photo), Soleritown. Visioni di un'utopia concreta, Settimo Torinese, Casartac, 22 january/17 february 2008 |
Paolo Soleri. Etica e Invenzione Urbana, Roma, Palazzo Fontana di Trevi - Maxxi - Casa dell'Architettura, 8 october 2005 - 8 january 2006
review: Luciano Cardellicchio, "Soleri antistar", Il giornale dell'architettura 33, dicembre 2005, "Mostre" p. 33 |