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Leone d’Oro speciale alla memoria
17. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura della Biennale di Venezia |

Brazil [Brasil]
» São Paulo |

Brazil [Brasil]
» São Paulo |

Brazil [Brasil]
» São Paulo |
Zeuler R. Lima, La dea stanca. Vita di Lina Bo Bardi, Johan & Levi, Monza 2021 |
Alessandra Criconia (ed.), Lina Bo Bardi. Un’architettura tra Italia e Brasile, FrancoAngeli, "Nuova serie di architettura", Milano 2017 |
Antonella Gallo, Lina Bo Bardi. Architetto, Marsilio, Venezia 2004 |
Mercedes Daguerre (ed.), "Lina Bo Bardi, architetture senza età e senza tempo", Casabella 681, settembre/september 2000 [Abitare e mostrare: case unifamiliari e padiglioni espositivi], "Profilo" pp. 36-55 Olivia de Oliveira, "La gallina della zia Esterina", Casabella 681, settembre/september 2000 [Abitare e mostrare: case unifamiliari e padiglioni espositivi], "Profilo" pp. 36-43 (36-55) |
Lina Bo Bardi. Poesie des Betons / The Poetry of Concrete, Berlin (Germany), Tchoban Foundation. Museum für Architekturzeichnung / Museum for Architectural Drawing, 1 june / 22 september 2024 |
Alla ricerca di Lina, Roma [Rome] (Italy), Casa dell’Architettura / Complesso monumentale dell’Acquario romano, 5 december 2022 / 6 january 2023 |
Natura e storia nell’urbanistica di Lina Bo Bardi, Roma [Rome] (Italy), Casa dell’Architettura / Complesso monumentale dell’Acquario romano, 5 december 2022 / 6 january 2023 |
Isaac Julien, Lina Bo Bardi. Un meraviglioso groviglio / A Marvellous Entanglement, Roma (Italy), MAXXI Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, 27 may / 4 october 2020 24 september 2020 / 28 february 2021 |
Lina Bo Bardi: Habitat, Ciudad de México [Mexico City], Museo Jumex, 30 january / 10 may 2020 |
Lina Bo Bardi & Giancarlo Palanti: Studio d'Arte Palma, New York, Gladstone Gallery, 27 april / 15 june 2019
Gladstone Gallery is pleased to present an exhibition of rare and seminal designs by Italo-Brazilian artist Lina Bo Bardi in collaboration with Giancarlo Palanti, accompanied by a selection of important works by artists whom worked concurrently to Bo Bardi in Brazil. Best known for her prolific career as an architect and designer, Bo Bardi dedicated herself to art’s emancipation from the predilection for western modernism in favor of the combination of contemporary formalism mixed with regional vernacular. Lina Bo Bardi’s work represents the creative and social modernity throughout Mid-Century Brazil, an era characterized by cultural and artistic experimentation, and this exhibition demonstrates her important place in history.
Born in Rome in 1914 and educated at the University of Rome’s School of Architecture, Achillina Bo began her career in Milan, where she worked in collaboration with fellow architects such as Carlo Pagani and Gio Ponti, and later started her own architecture firm. In the aftermath of World War II, the artist and her husband, Pietro Maria Bardi, closed their practice in Italy and travelled to Brazil, which became their permanent home soon thereafter. It was in São Paulo that Bo Bardi opened her renowned architecture firm. While in Brazil, she began to incorporate furniture design into her work, and in 1948 founded her design practice, Studio de Arte e Arquitetura Palma, with fellow Italian architect Giancarlo Palanti, which marked one of the many breakthrough moments of her career. Throughout her life, Bo Bardi established herself as a figurehead of modern design, constructing countless private and public spaces, most notably the São Paulo Museum of Art (MASP) and the SESC Pompéia, a former barrel factory transformed into a large cultural and sports center. Transcending western and European dominance prevalent throughout traditional design practices, Bo Bardi discovered a renewed vitality in the natural logic of Brazilian design and honed her unique approach to the built environment.
Bo Bardi translated her architectural expertise and inspiration from her Brazilian surroundings into the iconic designs for which she is most prominently known to this day. Her artistic practice, rooted in the tenants of functionality and accessibility, mimics the natural and cultural beauty she experienced in Brazil. Her designs celebrate the reduction and rawness of nature, the former in the use of natural Brazilian woods, and the latter in their simplistic and practical shapes. As both an architect and a designer, Bo Bardi bridged these practices in her holistic approach to construction, realizing both the interiors and exteriors of her most acclaimed projects, the most well-known being MASP. A highlight of Gladstone Gallery’s exhibition includes the original MASP chairs designed for the museum’s auditorium. Each chair, made of Jacaranda wood and leather upholstery, is foldable and stackable, exemplifying Bo Bardi’s emphasis on functionality. This exhibition demonstrates Bo Bardi’s creation of a liberated modernism, imbued with the cultural, natural and spiritual fabric of Brazil. Alongside this exhibition of important pieces by Bo Bardi and Palanti is a carefully considered selection of work from some of Brazil’s most significant modernist artists who worked around the same time as Bo Bardi and Palanti, some of which were included in the Grupo Frente. This presentation includes artists such as Hercules Barsotti, Sergio Camargo, Aluísio Carvão, Lygia Clark, and Alfredo Volpi.
This exhibition was realized in close collaboration with Nilufar Gallery, Milan and the Instituto Bardi / Casa de Vidro. |
Lina Bo Bardi: Habitat, São Paulo [Brazil], MASP - Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand, 5 april / 28 july 2019 |
Lina Bo Bardi dibuixa / Lina Bo Bardi dibuja / Lina Bo Bardi Drawing, Barcelona, Fundació Joan Miró, 15 february / 26 may 2019
Entrevista con Zeuler Rocha Lima La Fundació Joan Miró presenta 'Lina Bo Bardi dibuja', la primera exposición que examina específicamente el papel del dibujo en la vida y la obra de la arquitecta italobrasileña. La muestra reúne una cuidada selección de un centenar de dibujos provenientes del Instituto Lina Bo e P. M. Bardi, que dan fe de la importancia del dibujo en todas las etapas de la polifacética carrera de Bo Bardi. Se trata de un proyecto comisariado por el también arquitecto, artista, investigador y experto internacional en la figura de Bo Bardi Zeuler Rocha Lima, que ha contado con la colaboración de la Fundación Banco Sabadell.Hasta finales de mayo, 'Lina Bo Bardi dibuja' invita al visitante a descubrir el amplio y rico espectro del pensamiento y la producción de una de las arquitectas e intelectuales más destacadas del siglo xx, que trazó puentes entre el arte y la vida a través del lenguaje que le era propio: el dibujo. |
Lina Bo Bardi : Enseignements Partagés, Paris, ENSA de Paris-Belleville, 26 october 2017 / 10 february 2018 |
Lina Bo Bardi 100, München, Architekturmuseum der TU, 2 april / 21 june 2015 |
Lina Bo Bardi in Italia. “Quello che volevo, era avere Storia”, Roma, Centro Archivi MAXXI Architettura, 19 december 2014 / 15 march 2015 |
Lina & Gio: The Last Humanists, London, Architectural Association Gallery, 25 february / 24 march 2012 |
Günter Richard Wett (ed., photo), Vilanova Artigas, Lina Bo Bardi, Paulo Mendes da Rocha Innsbruck, 16 january/11 april 2009 Salzburg, Raum für Architektur im Künstlerhaus, 19 may/10 july 2009 |
Lina Bo Bardi architetto, Venezia, 10 september/15 november 2004 |