Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa / SANAA |
Tokyo -
Japan [Nihon/Nippon] |
Tel: +81.(3).34501754
- Fax: +81.(3).34501757
www.sanaa.co.jp |
sanaa@sanaa.co.jp |
|  |
Praemium Imperiale Architecture Japan Art Association |
Thomas Jefferson Foundation Medal in Architecture
Thomas Jefferson Foundation
University of Virginia School of Architecture |

Switzerland [Schweiz/Suisse]
» Ecublens |

United States
» New York - Manhattan |

Netherlands [Nederland]
» Almere |

Japan [Nihon/Nippon]
» Kanazawa |

Japan [Nihon/Nippon]
» Tōkyō |

Japan [Nihon/Nippon]
» Iida |

Japan [Nihon/Nippon]
» Tōkyō |

Japan [Nihon/Nippon]
» Nakahechi |

Japan [Nihon/Nippon]
» Oogaki |

Japan [Nihon/Nippon]
» Okayama |
El Croquis 155, 2011 [SANAA. Kazuyo Sejima, Ryue Nishizawa. 2008-2011. Arquitectura inorganica / Inorganic architecture] |
SANAA, "Rolex Learning Center, Suiza/Rolex Learning Center of the EPFL, Lausanne", Arquitectura Viva 128, IX-X 2009 [Hormigón sostenible], pp. 34-41 |
Kazuyo Sejima, Ryue Nishizawa, "Olas precisas: EPFL Rolex Learning Center, Lausana (Suiza)/Precise waves: the EPFL Rolex Learning Center in Lausanne, Switzerland", Arquitectura Viva 124, I-II 2009 [Banda ancha], "Técnica/Diseño" pp. 92-95 |
Kazuyo Sejima, Ryue Nishizawa, SANAA Houses, Actar, Barcelona 2007 |
GA Architect 18, november 2005 [Kazuyo Sejima, Ryue Nishizawa. 1987-2006] |
Yuko Hasegawa, Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa SANAA, Electa, Milano 2005 |
SANAA: Construction and structure with works of Walter Niedermayr, Milano (Italy), Politecnico Milano - Spazio mostre, 17 january / 17 march 2023 |
A Japanese Constellation: Toyo Ito, SANAA, and Beyond, New York, MoMA - Museum of Modern Art, 13 march / 4 july 2016 |
Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa / SANAA, Tokyo, Berlin, Aedes Am Pfefferberg, 18 november 2010/20 january 2011 |
Walter Niedermayr (photo), SANAA: Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa + Works by Walter Niedermayr, København/Copenhagen, DAC | Dansk Arkitektur Center, 19 june/1 october 2010 |
Walter Niedermayr (photo), Kazuyo Sejima & Ryue Nishizawa (SANAA)/Walter Niedermayr Antwerpen, 15 february/6 may 2007
Bordeaux, Arc en rêve, Centre d'architecture, 14 june/28 october 2007 Mendrisio, Accademia di architettura, 16 september/2 november 2008 |
Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa / SANAA, León, MUSAC, 20 january/1 may 2007 |
Kazuyo Sejima & Ryue Nishizawa SANAA, Vicenza, Basilica Palladiana, 30 october 2005/5 march 2006 |
Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa, New York, American Academy of Arts and Letters, 2002 |
Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa. Recent Projects, Madrid, Ministerio de Fomento, 2001 |
Recent work of Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa, Cambridge (Massachusetts), Graduate School of Design, 2000 |
Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa. Recent Projects, Berlin, Aedes Gallery, 2000 |
Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa. Recent Projects, Rotterdam, NAI, 2000 |
Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa, Tokyo, GA Gallery, 1998 |
Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa. 1987-1996, London, Architectural Association School of Architecture, 1996 |