Louis H. Sullivan
[Louis Henry Sullivan] |
* Boston (MA), United States, 13 September 1856 |
+ Chicago (IL), United States, 11 April 1924 |
american |
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AIA Gold Medal The American Institute of Architects |

United States
» Chicago |

United States
» Columbus |

United States
» Grinnell |

United States
» Owatonna |

United States
» Chicago |

United States
» Chicago |

United States
» Buffalo |

United States
» Chicago |

United States
» Saint Louis |

United States
» Chicago |

United States
» Chicago |

United States
» Riverside |

United States
» Chicago |

United States
» Chicago |
Louis Sullivan, Kindergarten Chats and Other Writings, Dover Publications, New York 1979 |
Louis Sullivan, The Autobiography of an Idea, Press of the American institute of Architects, New York 1924 (Dover Publications, New York 1956) |
Louis H. Sullivan, A System of Architectural Ornament, American Institute of Architects Press, New York 1924 |
Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi, La Storia dell’Architettura, 1905-2008, Lulu Enterprises Inc., Italy 2016, pp. 15-23 [Parte prima: L’Architettura moderna | Precursori | Sullivan e Wright] |
Robert C. Twombly, Louis Sullivan. The Poetry of Architecture, W.W. Norton & Co., New York 2000 |
David J. Van Zanten, Sullivan's City. The Meaning of Ornament for Louis Sullivan, W.W. Norton & Co., 2000 |
Nancy Frazier, Louis Sullivan and the Chicago School, Knickerbocker Press, New York 1998 |
Donald Hoffman, Frank Lloyd Wright, Louis Sullivan, and the Skyscraper, Dover Publications, New York 1998 |
Jean-Claude Garcias, Sullivan, Editions Hazan, Paris 1997
review: Mario Antonio Arnaboldi, "Il caso Sullivan/Life and Works", L'Arca 117, luglio-agosto 1997 [La luce/Lighting], "L'Arca2" p. 96 |
Mario Manieri Elia, Louis Henry Sullivan. 1856-1924, Electa, Milano 1995 |
Hans Frei, Louis Henry Sullivan, Artemis-Verlags, Zurich 1992 |
James F. O'Gorman, Three American Architects. Richardson, Sullivan and Wright. 1865-1915, University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1991 |
Sarah C. Mollman, Louis Sullivan in the Art Institute of Chicago. The Illustrated Catalogue of Collections, Garland Publishing, New York 1989 |
Robert Twombly (ed.), Louis Sullivan. The Public Papers, University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1988 |
Lauren S. Weingarden, Louis H. Sullivan. The Banks, MIT Press, Cambridge (MA) 1987 |
Robert Twombly, Louis Sullivan. His Life and Work, Elizabeth Sifton Books, New York 1986 |
Wim de Wit, Louis Sullivan. The Function of Ornament, W.W. Norton & Company, New York 1986 |
David S. Andrew, Louis Sullivan and the Polemics of Modern Architecture, University of Illinois Press, Urbana 1985 |
Narciso G. Menocal, Architecture as Nature. The Transcendentalist Idea of Louis Sullivan, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison (WI) 1981 |
Francesco dal Co, "Complessità e contraddizioni del tipo-grattacielo: ipotesi, interpretazioni, documenti", Casabella 457/458, aprile-maggio/april-may 1980 [Grattacielo: casa dello specchio], p. 56 (56-89) Philip Johnson, "Sullivan, padre del funzionalismo?", Casabella 457/458, aprile-maggio/april-may 1980 [Grattacielo: casa dello specchio], pp. 72-74 (56-89) |
Leonard K. Eaton, American Architecture Comes of Age. European Reaction to H. H. Richardson and Louis Sullivan, MIT Press, Cambridge (MA) 1972 |
Hugh Morrison, Louis Sullivan. Prophet of modern architecture, Grenwood Press, Westport 1971 |
Mervyn Kaufman, Father of Skyscrapers. A Biography of Louis Sullivan, Brown, Boston 1969 |
Hugh Morrison, Louis Sullivan. Prophet of Modern Architecture, W.W. Norton & Co., New York 1963 |
Sherman Paul, Louis Sullivan. An Architect in American Thought, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs (NJ) 1962 |
Willard Connely, Louis Sullivan as He Lived, Horizon Press, New York 1960 |
Albert Bush-Brown, Louis Sullivan, Braziller, New York 1960 |
William Connely, Louis Sullivan As He Lived. The Shaping of American Architecture, Horizon Press, New York 1960 |
Hugh Sinclair Morrison, Louis Sullivan. Prophet of Modern Architecture, P. Smith, New York 1952 |
Bruno Zevi, Louis H. Sullivan. La vita e le opere, Poligono, Milano 1948 |
Title |
Louis Sullivan. The Struggle for American Architecture |
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Nationality |
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Architect's role |
Title |
Tall. The American Skyscraper and Louis Sullivan |
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Architect's role |
Sullivan e Pellegrin: un dialogo attraverso spazio e tempo. Tappezzeria che genera spazialità, Roma, Interno 14, 10 / 17 march 2017 |
Learning from Frank Furness: Louis Sullivan in 1873, Philadephia, Philadelphia Museum of Art, 6 october / 30 december 2012 |
The bronze medallion awarded to each Laureate of the Pritzker Architecture Prize is based on designs of Louis Sullivan, famed Chicago architect generally acknowledged as the father of the skyscraper. On one side is the name of the prize. On the reverse, three words are inscribed, “firmness, commodity and delight,” These are the three conditions referred to by Henry Wotton in his 1624 treatise, The Elements of Architecture, which was a translation of thoughts originally set down nearly 2000 years ago by Marcus Vitruvius in his Ten Books on Architecture, dedicated to the Roman Emperor Augustus. Wotton, who did the translation when he was England’s first ambassador to Venice, used the complete quote as: “The end is to build well. Well-building hath three conditions: commodity, firmness and delight.” |