Adolf Loos
* Brno, Austro-Hungarian Empire [Österreichisch-Ungarische Monarchie], 10 December 1870 |
+ Brno, Czechoslovakia [Československo], 28 August 1933 |
austrian |

Austria [Österreich]
» Vienna [Wien] |

Czech Republic [Ceska Republika]
» Prague [Praha] |

Austria [Österreich]
» Vienna [Wien] |

France [France]
» Paris |

Austria [Österreich]
» Vienna [Wien] |

Austria [Österreich]
» Vienna [Wien] |

Austria [Österreich]
» Vienna [Wien] |

Austria [Österreich]
» Vienna [Wien] |

Austria [Österreich]
» Vienna [Wien] |
Adolf Loos, La civiltà occidentale. Das Andere e altri scritti, Zanichelli, Bologna 1981 |
Adolf Loos, Parole nel vuoto, Adelphi edizioni, Milano 1972 |
Adolf Loos, Ins Leere gesprochen Trotzdem, Verlag Herold, Wien/München 1962 |
Adolf Loos, "Architettura", Casabella Continuità 233, novembre 1959 [Numero dedicato ad Adolf Loos], pp. 35-38
Adolf Loos, "Ornamento e delitto", Casabella Continuità 233, novembre 1959 [Numero dedicato ad Adolf Loos], pp. 39-40 |
Adolf Loos, Ins Leere gesprochen 1897-1900, Brenner Verlag, Innsbruck 1932 |
Adolf Loos, Trotdzem 1900-1930, Brenner Verlag, Innsbruck 1931 |
Adolf Loos, Ins Leere gesprochen 1897-1900, Georges Crès, Paris 1921 |
Alessandro Borgomainerio (ed.), Adolf Loos. Architettura e civilizzazione, Electa, Milano 2008
review: Casabella 767, giugno/june 2008, "Biblioteca dell'architetto" p. 105
Ralf Block (ed.), Philippe Ruault (photo), Adolf Loos, Skira, Milano 2007 tr. en.: Adolf Loos. Works and Projects, Skira, 2007
review: Luca Gibello, "Adolf Loos nel boudoir", Il giornale dell'architettura 59, febbraio 2008, "Libri" p. 26 |
Richard Bösel, Vitale Zanchettin, Adolf Loos 1870-1933. Architettura. Utilità e decoro, Electa Mondadori, 2006 |
Anders V. Munch, Adolf Loos. Der stillose Stil, Fink (Wilhelm), 2005 |
Werner Oechslin, Wagner, Loos e l'evoluzione dell'architettura moderna, Skira, 2003 |
Benedetto Gravagnuolo, Aldo Rossi, Adolf Loos. Theory and Works, Art data, 1995 |
Federico Brunetti, Adolf Loos. Frammenti di architettura viennese, Alinea, Firenze 1995 |
AA.VV., Adolf Loos, Graphische Sammlung Albertina, Wien 1989 |
Stefano Velotti, Adolf Loos. Lo stile del paradosso, De Donato, 1988 |
Vittorio Gregotti, "Loos e Gropius/Loos and Gropius", Casabella 495, ottobre/october 1983, pp. 12-13 |
Mariangiola Gallingani, "Le stesse cose ritornano. Introduzione a Loos", Casabella 479, aprile/april 1982, p. 34 |
Benedetto Gravagnuolo, Adolf Loos, Idea Books, Milano 1982 |
Massimo Cacciari, Adolf Loos e il suo Angelo. "Das Andere" e altri scritti, Electa, Milano 1981 |
Casabella Continuità 233, novembre 1959 [Numero dedicato ad Adolf Loos]
Ernesto N. Rogers, "Attualità di Adolf Loos", Casabella Continuità 233, novembre 1959 [Numero dedicato ad Adolf Loos], p. 3
Aldo Rossi, "Adolf Loos, 1870-1933", Casabella Continuità 233, novembre 1959 [Numero dedicato ad Adolf Loos], pp. 5-12
Aldo Rossi (ed.), "Elenco delle opere", Casabella Continuità 233, novembre 1959 [Numero dedicato ad Adolf Loos], pp. 21-28
Aldo Rossi (ed.), Karl Kraus, Arnold Schönberg, Alban Berg, Anton Webern, Bruno Taut, Le Corbusier, Ezra Pound, Walter Gropius, Edoardo Persico, "Testimonianze su Adolf Loos", Casabella Continuità 233, novembre 1959 [Numero dedicato ad Adolf Loos], pp. 43-45 (43-46)
Richard Neutra, "Ricordo di Adolf Loos", Casabella Continuità 233, novembre 1959 [Numero dedicato ad Adolf Loos], pp. 45-46 (43-46) |
Ludwig Münz, Adolf Loos, Il Balcone, Milano 1956 |
Franz Glück, Adolf Loos, G. Crès, Paris 1931 |
Bohumil Markaulos, Adolf Loos, Praha 1929 |
Karl Marilaun, Adolf Loos, Wila, Wien/Leipzig 1922 |
Adolf Loos: Private Houses, Vienna [Wien], MAK - Österreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst - Gegenwartskunst / Austrian Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art, MAK Permanent Collection Contemporary Art, 8 december 2020 / 14 march 2021
Adolf Loos: Private Houses focuses on his revolutionary private residential buildings, the lion’s share of which were luxuriously appointed single-family homes, villas, and country resi- dences for a bourgeois, frequently Jewish clientele as well as for artists and literary fig- ures. As a contrast to such structures, the present selection of 100 design sketches, plans, photographs, and models from the Albertina Museum’s Adolf Loos Archive also includes important social projects designed by this exceptional architect, including structures for the housing cooperative Wiener Siedlungswerk, for the municipality of Vienna, and for the Austrian Werkbund.
Adolf Loos’s complex oeuvre, especially his architecture and his writings, had a sus- tained influence over the past century’s culture of building. With his revolutionary archi- tectural solutions, Loos satisfied one of the most important human needs—the need for housing. Later architectural icons such as Richard Neutra, Heinrich Kulka, Rudolph M. Schindler, and (briefly) Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky numbered among his students and colleagues.
As an energetic opponent of the historicist Ringstraße style and a sharp critic of both Art Nouveau and the Vienna Secession, Loos also left his mark on Vienna’s aesthetic dis- course around the turn of the last century. In his numerous theoretical tracts and espe- cially in his legendary polemic Ornament and Crime (1908), he spoke out vehemently against all newly invented ornamentation of utilitarian objects and buildings.
Residential buildings were a topic for Loos throughout his career, and they occupy a special place in his output. This MAK exhibition sheds light on both his planned and his realized projects, which can be divided into private and public housing. Loos created his structures in a highly independent manner but not without a wide array of influences, among which one can discern complex ties to American, English, and Mediterranean architecture as well as to classicism and antiquity.
From the USA, where he spent three years of his life, Loos brought to Vienna an entirely new impression of modern culture that he propagated in polemic newspaper articles and demonstrated in his famous Looshaus (1910/11) on Michaelerplatz: this building’s struc- tural clarity and unadorned façade created a public scandal in the Vienna of that day. Whenever possible, Loos preferred to design his often flat-roofed private residential buildings with large terraces and in accordance with his idea of the Raumplan (lit.: “spatial plan”): this self-developed system departed from the method of simply “layer- ing” floors on top of each other, with each room instead being given the height and floor space necessary for its intended use. This economical way of dealing with space gave rise to a complex, spatially interlocked system that did and still does offer a high degree of livability.
Projects planned and/or built according to this system between 1903 and 1931, such as the houses for the Dadaist figure Tristan Tzara (1925/26), for the singer and dancer Josephine Baker in Paris (1927—this house was never realized), for the builder František Müller in Prague (1928–1930), and for the textile manufacturer Hans Moller in Vienna (1927), number among the world’s most important 20th-century single family homes.
In addition to showing Adolf Loos’s architectural projects, this exhibition will for the first time ever juxtapose the plaster replica of his bust by sculptor Artur Immanuel Löwental (1911) with his death mask, which was taken by Adolf Rainbauer in 1933. |
Adolf Loos – Nachleben. Schaufenster zum Hof, Vienna [Wien], Im Hof des Az W / Ausstellungshalle 1 (In the Az W Courtyard / Exhibition hall 1), 3 september 2020 / 30 september 2021 |
Wege der Moderne. Josef Hoffmann, Adolf Loos und die Folgen / Ways to Modernism. Josef Hoffmann, Adolf Loos and Their Impact, Vienna [Wien], MAK - Österreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst - Gegenwartskunst / Austrian Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art, 17 december 2014 / 19 april 2015 |
Loos. Zeitgenössisch / Our Contemporary, Vienna [Wien], MAK (Österreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst), 12 march / 23 june 2013 |
Adolf Loos nella Repubblica Ceca, Latina, ex Garage Ruspi, 15 october 2009/10 january 2010 |
Josef Hoffmann-Adolf Loos, Brtnice (Czech Republic), Josef Hoffmann Museum, 6 june/28 october 2007 |
Adolf Loos 1870-1933. Architettura, utilità e decoro, Roma, Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna, 7 december 2006/11 february 2007 |
Ausstellung Adolf Loos, Wien, 2 dezember 1989/25 februar 1990 |
Adolf Loos, Basel, Architekturmuseum, 23 august/20 october 1985 |