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AIA Gold Medal The American Institute of Architects |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Los Angeles |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Lemoore |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Ojai |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Santa Barbara |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Palm Springs |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Los Angeles |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Los Angeles |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Los Angeles |

Stati Uniti [United States]
» Los Angeles |
Richard J. Neutra, "Progettare per sopravvivere / Survival Through Design", Domus 994, settembre/september 2015, "Coriandoli/Confetti" pp. 30-33 |
Dione Neutra (ed.), Richard Neutra. Promise and fulfillment 1919-1932. Selections from the letters and diaries of Richard and Dione Neutra, Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale (IL) 1986 |
Richard Neutra, Dion Neutra, Bauen und die Sinneswelt, Parey Verlag, Berlin 1980 |
Richard Neutra, Gestaltete Umwelt, Fundus Bucher, 1975 (Survival Through Design) |
Richard Neutra, Dion Neutra, Pflanzen Wasser Steine Licht, Parey Verlag, Berlin 1974 |
Richard Neutra, Auftrag für Morgen, Claassen Verlag, 1962 (Life and Shape) |
Richard Neutra, Life and Shape, Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York 1962 |
Richard Neutra, "Ricordo di Adolf Loos", Casabella Continuità 233, novembre 1959 [Numero dedicato ad Adolf Loos], pp. 45-46 (43-46) |
Richard Neutra, Mensch und Wohnen, Alexander Koch, 1956 |
Richard J. Neutra, Survival Through Design, Oxford University Press, 1954 tr.it.: Progettare per Sopravvivere, Edizioni Comunità, Milano 1956 |
Richard Neutra, Mysteries and realities of the Site, Morgan & Morgan, New York 1951 |
Richard J. Neutra, Amerika. Die stilbildung des neuen bauen in der vereinigten staadten, Anton Schroll, Wien 1930 |
Barbara Lamprecht, Richard Neutra. 1892–1970. Survival Through Design, Taschen, 2004 |
Sylvia Lavin, Form Follows Libido. Architecture and Richard Neutra in a Psychoanalytic Culture, The MIT Press, Cambridge (MA) 2004
review: Casabella 741, febbraio/february 2006, p. 100 |
José Vela Castillo, Richard Neutra. Un lugar para el orden. Un estudio sobre la arquitectura natural, Junta de Andalucia - Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla 2003 |
Barbara Lamprecht, Neutra. The Complete Works, Taschen America LLC, 2000 |
Corrado Reina, Richard Neutra. Guida bio-bibliografica, Alinea editrice, Firenze 1997 |
Amedeo Schiattarella, Richard Neutra. 1892-1970, Officina, Roma 1993 |
Manfred Sack, Richard Neutra, Verlag fur Architektur, Zürich 1992 |
Werner Lang, "Neutra e Los Angeles", Domus 731, ottobre/october 1991, "Itinerario/Itinerary 72" |
William Marlin (ed.), Nature Near. Late Essays of Richard Neutra, Capra Press, Santa Barbara (CA) 1989 |
Dione Neutra, Richard Neutra. Promise and Fulfillment. 1919-1932, Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale (IL) 1986 |
Arthur Drexler, Thomas S. Hinze, The architecture of Richard Neutra. From international style to California modern, Museum of Modern Art, New York 1982 |
Thomas S. Hines, Richard Neutra and the search for modern architecture. A biography and history, Oxford University Press, New York/Oxford 1982 reprint: University of California Press, 1994 reprint: Rizzoli Publications, 2006 |
Giovanni Klaus Koenig, "Dal Danubio al Viale del Tramonto. Rudolf Michael Schindler e Richard Josef Neutra. 2", Casabella 356, maggio/may 1971 [Autori e autorità], pp. 36-42 |
Rupert Spade (ed.), Richard Neutra, Thames & Hudson, London 1971 |
Giovanni Klaus Koenig, "Dal Danubio al Viale del Tramonto. Rudolf Michael Schindler e Richard Josef Neutra. 1", Casabella 354, novembre/november 1970 [Colonialismo progettuale], pp. 29-36 |
Willy Boesiger (ed.), Richard Neutra. Buildings and projects 1961-66, Thames and Hudson, London 1966 |
Willy Boesiger (ed.), Richard Neutra. Buildings and projects 1923-50, Thames and Hudson, London 1964 |
Willy Boesiger (ed.), Richard Neutra. Buildings and projects 1950-60, Thames and Hudson, London 1964 |
Richard Neutra, Auftrag für Morgen, Claassen Verlag, 1962 (Life and Shape) |
Richard Neutra, Life and Shape, Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York 1962 |
Esther McCoy, Richard Neutra, Mayflower, London 1960 tr. it.: Il Saggiatore, "I maestri dell'architettura contemporanea" 1961 |
Bruno Zevi, Richard Neutra, Il Balcone, Milano 1954 |
L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui 6/1946, juin/june 1946 [Richard J. Neutra] |
Richard Neutra. Wohnhäuser für Kalifornien / California Living, Vienna [Wien], Wien Museum MUSA, 13 february / 20 september 2020 |
Richard Neutra in Europe. Bauten und Projekte 1960–1970/Buildings and Projects 1960–1970, Frankfurt am Main, DAM Deutsches Architekturmuseum, 8 april/3 july 2011 |
L.A. in Wien/Wien in L.A., Los Angeles, SCI-Arc Library Gallery, 24 july/13 september 2009 |
Time, August 15, 1949, cover |
Architect Richard Neutra. What will the neighbours think? |