|  |
Arnold Brunner Memorial Prize American Academy of Arts and Letters |
Royal Gold Medal RIBA - Royal Institute of British Architects |
Praemium Imperiale Architecture Japan Art Association |
Leone d'Oro Biennale di Venezia |
Médaille d'or Académie Français d'Architecture |
Grand Prix National d'Architecture |
Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres |
Médaille d'Argent Académie d'Architecture |

France [France]
» Nice |

France [France]
» Marseille |

France [France]
» Saint-Émilion |

Italy [Italia]
» Perugia |

France [France]
» Le Havre |

France [France]
» Mulhouse |

Japan [Nihon/Nippon]
» Tōkyō |

Germany [Deutschland]
» Cologne [Köln] |

France [France]
» Sarlat-la-Canéda |

Austria [Österreich]
» Vienna [Wien] |

France [France]
» Rueil-Malmaison |

Austria [Österreich]
» Bregenz |

Austria [Österreich]
» Vienna [Wien] |

Germany [Deutschland]
» Berlin |

France [France]
» Lille |

Switzerland [Schweiz/Suisse]
» Fribourg [Fribourg/Freiburg] |

Switzerland [Schweiz/Suisse]
» Villeret |

France [France]
» Tours |

France [France]
» Bezons |

France [France]
» Issy-les-Moulineaux |

France [France]
» Blois |

France [France]
» Nancy |

France [France]
» Nantes |

France [France]
» Nîmes |

France [France]
» Saint-Ouen |

France [France]
» Val Maubuée Noisiel |

France [France]
» Combs la Ville |

France [France]
» Belfort |

France [France]
» Bezons |

France [France]
» Antony |
GA Document 111 [Jean Nouvel], march 2010
Jean Nouvel, "Genova Trade Fair, Pavilion B, Genova, Italy, 2005-2009", GA Document 111 [Jean Nouvel], march 2010, pp. 32-47
Jean Nouvel, "Abu Dhabi Louvre Museum, Saadiyat Island, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2007-2012", GA Document 111 [Jean Nouvel], march 2010, pp. 48-55 Jean Nouvel, "Paris Philharmonie, Parc de la Villette, Paris, France, 2007-2012", GA Document 111 [Jean Nouvel], march 2010, pp. 56-63 |
Jean Nouvel, "Concert Centre Danish Radio, Copenhagen, Denmark. Ateliers Jean Nouvel", GA Document 107, april 2009, pp. 8-43 |
Jean Nouvel, "Musee du Quai Branly, Paris. Ateliers Jean Nouvel", A+U. Architecture and Urbanism 9/2006, september 2006 [Exhibition space], pp. 22-39 |
Jean Nouvel, "Torre Agbar/The Agbar Tower", Quaderns d'arquitectura i urbanisme 240, enero/january 2004 [Cuaderno de aqui/Notebook from here], pp. 82-95 |
Jean Baudrillard, Jean Nouvel, Architettura e nulla. Oggetti singolari, Electa, Milano 2003 |
Jean Baudrillard, Jean Nouvel, The Singular Objects of Architecture, University of Minnesota Press, 2002 |
Jean Baudrillard, Jean Nouvel, Los Objetos Singulares, Fondo de Cultura Economica USA, Argentina 2002 |
"Concorso per l'ampliamento del Centro de Arte Reina Sofia/Competition for the addition to the Centro de Arte Reina Sofia", Casabella 682, ottobre/october 2000 [Monumenti urbani], "Concorsi" pp. 8-21 Jean Nouvel, "Jean Nouvel. Primo premio", Casabella 682, ottobre/october 2000 [Monumenti urbani], "Concorsi" pp. 10-11 (8-21) |
Jean Nouvel, "La tecnologia come veicolo di nuovi valori/Technology - a vehicle for new values", Domus 827, giugno/june 2000, pp. 2-6 (2-17) |
Jean Nouvel, "Un hotel a New York e un museo a Parigi/A New York hotel and a Paris museum", Domus 827, giugno/june 2000, pp. 7-17 (2-17)
Jean Nouvel, "Musée des Arts et Civilisations, Quai Branly, Parigi/Musée des Arts et Civilisations, Quai Branly, Paris", Domus 827, giugno/june 2000, pp. 12-17 (2-17) |
Jean Nouvel, "Reale/Virtuale/Real/Virtual", Lotus international 84, febbraio/february 1995 [Decostruire il centro-ricomporre la periferia/Deconstructing the Center-Reconstructing the Outskirts], "Fondation Cartier" pp. 52-63 (48-63) |
Jean Nouvel, "Fantasma del parco/A phantom of the park", Domus 766, dicembre/december 1994, pp. 25-28 (23-33) |
Jean Nouvel, "The "Cartier Building" - Real/Virtual", GA Document 41, november 1994, pp. 86-87 (86-95) |
Jean Nouvel, Institut Du Monde Arabe, Princeton Architectural Press, 1990 |
El Croquis 183, II/2016 [Jean Nouvel. 2007-2016. Reflejos de los contemporáneo / Contemporary reflections] |
Abitare 518, dicembre 2011-gennaio 2012/december 2011-january 2012 [Being Jean Nouvel] Olivier Boissière, "La trasformazione del mondo/A changing world", Abitare 518, dicembre 2011-gennaio 2012/december 2011-january 2012 [Being Jean Nouvel], "Editoriale/Editorial" pp. 37-38
Maria Giulia Zunino, Mario Piazza, "Casser le système", Abitare 518, dicembre 2011-gennaio 2012/december 2011-january 2012 [Being Jean Nouvel], "Editoriale/Editorial" p. 38 (37-38) "Info > Jean Nouvel", Abitare 518, dicembre 2011-gennaio 2012/december 2011-january 2012 [Being Jean Nouvel], pp. 40-53 |
GA Document 111 [Jean Nouvel], march 2010 |
Frédéric Edelmann, "Jean Nouvel: au-delà de la frime", Le Monde, 1 avril 2008 tr. it.: "Jean Nouvel: oltre l'artificio", Il Magazine dell'architettura 9, maggio 2008, allegato a Il giornale dell'architettura 62, maggio 2008, pp. 15-16 (15-21) |
Philip Jodidio (ed.), Jean Nouvel by Jean Nouvel. 1970-2008, Taschen, 2008 |
François Chaslin, "Un destino francés", Arquitectura Viva 116, septiembre-octubre/september-october 2007 [Ladrillo visto], "Arte/Cultura" pp. 69-71 |
Carlo Prati, Jean Nouvel, Edilstampa, "I quaderni dell'industria delle costruzioni", Roma 2007
review: Emanuela Guerrucci, L'industria delle costruzioni 399, gennaio-febbraio/january-february 2008 [Ponti e viadotti], "Libri" p. 118
Area 89, novembre-dicembre/november-december 2006 [Jean Nouvel] |
GA Document 93, september 2006 [Jean Nouvel], pp. 8-131 |
François Chaslin, "'Ich bin ein Spanier'/'I am a Spaniard'", Arquitectura Viva 103, VII-VIII 2005 [Valencia 2007], " Últimos proyectos - Técnica / Diseño" pp. 100-103 (100-123) |
Olivier Boissiere, Jean Nouvel, Birkhäuser Verlag, 2002 |
Philip Jodidio, Architecture Now!, Taschen, Köln 2001, pp. 270-275 |
Philip Jodidio, Building a new millennium, Taschen, Köln 2000, pp. 382-383 |
Olivier Boissiere, Jean Nouvel, Pierre Terrall, France 1999 |
Giampiero Bosoni (ed.), Jean Nouvel. Una lezione in Italia, Skira, Milano 1999 |
Conway Lloyd Morgan, Jean Nouvel. The Elements of Architecture, Universe, 1998 tr.it.: Jean Nouvel. Elementi di architettura, Rizzoli, Milano 1998
review: Luigina De Santis, Domus 814, aprile/april 1999 [Il nuovo nomadismo/The new nomadism], "Libri/Books" pp. 98-99
tr.fr.:Jean Nouvel. Les elements de l'architecture, Paris, Adam Biro 1999 |
Paul Virilio, "A Jean Nouvel/To Jean Nouvel", El Croquis 65/66, 1998 [Jean Nouvel 1987-1998], 3rd revised edition, pp. 337-340 |
Alejandro Zaera, "Jean Nouvel. Intensificar lo real/Jean Nouvel. Intensifyng the real", El Croquis 65/66, 1998 [Jean Nouvel 1987-1998], 3rd revised edition, pp. 42-57 |
El Croquis 65/66, 1998 [Jean Nouvel 1987-1998], 3rd revised edition |
F. Cirillo (ed.), Trentuno domande a Jean Nouvel, Clean, Napoli 1998 |
Giampiero Bosoni (ed.), Jean Nouvel. Architecture and Design 1976-1995, Skira, Milano 1996 |
Jean Claude Garcias, "Inguaribilmente francese: Jean Nouvel o l'architetto di successo/Incurably French: Jean Nouvel, or the successful architect", Casabella 614, luglio-agosto/july-august 1994, pp. 18-21, 69-70 |
El Croquis 65/66, 1994 [Jean Nouvel 1987-1994] |
Patrice Goulet, Jean Nouvel, Institut Français d'Architecture/Electa Moniteur, Paris 1987 |
Stefano Casciani, "Jean Nouvel: la ville lumière", Domus light, allegato a/published with Domus 904, giugno/june 2007, pp. 36-39 |
"Milano 2002. Dove Andremo?/Where next?", Domus 848, maggio/may 2002, "Servizi/Features" pp. 98-124 Stefano Casciani, "Acciaio sottile. Jean Nouvel racconta a Stefano Casciani il suo lavoro con Moleteni/Thin steel. Jean Nouvel talks to Stefano Casciani about his latest designs for Molteni", Domus 848, maggio/may 2002, "Servizi/Features" pp. 102-105 (98-124) |
"Forma, tecnologia e dimensione in architettura. Un colloquio con Jean Nouvel", Area 59, novembre-dicembre/november-december 2001 [Bigness], "Editoriale/Editorial" pp. 2-5 |
François Burkhardt, Rita Capezzuto, "Jean Nouvel. La tecnologia come veicolo di nuovi valori/Technology - a vehicle for new values", Domus 827, giugno/june 2000, pp. 2-6 (2-17) |
Alejandro Zaera, "Incorporaciones: entrevista con Jean Nouvel/Incorporating: interview with Jean Nouvel", El Croquis 65/66, 1998 [Jean Nouvel 1987-1998], 3rd revised edition, pp. 8-41 |
François Chaslin, "Jean Nouvel", Domus 800, gennaio/january 1998 [2028], pp. 16-19 (16-27) |
Jean Nouvel, Extreme beauty in Vogue. La bellezza interpretata dai più grandi maestri della fotografia dagli anni trenta a oggi, Milano, Palazzo della Ragione, 3 march/10 may 2009 |
César. Anthologie par Jean Nouvel, Paris, Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain, 8 july/26 october 2008 |
Jean Nouvel, Milano, Triennale, 27 march/2 june 2002 |